Park scoring
Messages 1 - 15 of 15
Message 1 - posted by Heartstring, 3 Hours Ago
I am very pleased at that, lets hope he goes on a run now
난 기분이 좋다. 이렇게 계속 가길 빌자
Message 2 - posted by UnitedRback, 3 Hours Ago
its been coming for a while
오랫동안 기다렸다
Message 3 - posted by corkred, 3 Hours Ago
he's lively and has good intentions....but I dunno...
like you say, would be nice if he get a couple of games and do the business.
그는 활발하고 좋은 의도를 갖고 있지만 몰라..
니말처럼 게임 한두개 잡고 잘했으면 좋겠다
Message 4 - posted by diablo, 3 Hours Ago
he has come close a few times and deserves a goal.
몇번 넣을뻔했지 하나쯤 들어가는건 당연한거야
Message 5 - posted by Deecvr, 3 Hours Ago
Yeah im pleased at that too. He played really well tonight and he has been doing so for the past while now. Constantly working hard. C'mon Park son!
응 나도 좋다. 오늘 매우 잘했고 요새 계속 잘해오고 있어. 화이팅 박!
Message 6 - posted by Heartstring, 3 Hours Ago
(3번글에 대해)
He has been fantastic in every other area of the game, all he needs is a few goals and I think he will be genuine world class.
He is creative, skilful, a great brain, works for the team and good in the tackle.
게임의 다른 모든 방면에서 판타스틱하다. 골 몇개만 넣으면 그야말로 월드 클라스야
창조적이고 스킬있고 머리좋고 팀 플레이어고 태클도 잘해
Message 7 - posted by corkred, 3 Hours Ago
do you reckon that there are communication where he is concerned. I just thing that sometimes he, like you say, has some clever ideas but he's teammates seem to be a step behind.
생각 전달은 잘되는걸까? 내생각엔 박은 좋은 아이디어가 있는데 동료들이 한발짝 느린듯
Message 8 - posted by corkred, 3 Hours Ago
communication problems, i mean....obviously.
전달이야 .. 당연히.
Message 9 - posted by Japeson_Thrametrousers, 3 Hours Ago
Aye, you could be quite right. But, then, I reckon it is just as you say-- bar Rooney, who else is on his creative wavelength?
그럴수도 있지.. 루니빼고 박지성만큼 창조적인 선수가 어딨어
Message 10 - posted by Heartstring, 3 Hours Ago
i think that he will get used to playing with United players and they will get used to him. I like that he is so direct and he does so much work in midfield as well.
그는 유나이티드 선수들에 적응할거고 맨유선수들도 그에 적을할거야 그가 직접적이고 미드필도에서도 힘쓴다는게 좋아
Message 11 - posted by corkred, 3 Hours Ago
maybe ruud has to get used to balls coming from other areas than he is used to. threaded through more often from deep, rather than clever crosses.
I mean our crossing play has been shocking since becks (except Neville) so a change of tactic is probably a good idea and seems to be working in recent weeks.
can park speak any english??
루드가 공이 지가 생각한데 말고 다른데서 오는거에 적응해야되나봐. 크로스말고 깊은데서.
우리 크로스하는거 벸이후로 쇼크니깐 작전 바꾸는것도 좋고 최근 몇주보면 제대로 맞는거 같고
근데 박 영어 할줄알아?
Message 12 - posted by coatsie, 3 Hours Ago
He reminds me a bit of the type of player Kanchelskis was. Hopefully he will come good in the goal dept and keep improving. He played well tonight.
칸첼스키 같아. 골 몇개 더 넣고 계속 향상하길 바래. 오늘 잘했어
Message 13 - posted by Heartstring, 3 Hours Ago
(11번글에 대해서)
Yes he can speak English but not great. However I think players use non verbal communication they learn what balls and runs other players make rather than verbal communication.
I agree neville makes the world of difference with his crossing.
영어 하지만 잘 못해. 근데 경기에선 말로 대화하는게 아니라 공이랑 뛰는걸로 대화할텐데
그리고 네빌은 정말 크로스 잘하지(빈정빈정)
Message 14 - posted by Heartstring, 3 Hours Ago
(12번글에 대해서)
He is direct like kanchelskis but he also puts so much more in to the midfield part of his game.
칸첼스키처럼 직접적이지만 미드필도에도 열심이지
Message 15 - posted by RedORDead, 3 Hours Ago
Hopefully we'll have Rooney Park Ronaldo and scholes
and giggs linking nicely - thy're improving everymatch -
Park's directness is a great contrast to ronaldo's skills and its great that we have such variation in our midfield/attack
The guy seems to have energy in the league of cafu's (the brazillian with "two hearts" and plays for AC Milan)
루니 박 호나우도 스콜스 긱스가 서로 연계를 잘 해나가길 바래 - 그들은 매 경기마다 나아져
박의 직접적인 면은 호나우도스타일과는 대조돼고 우리 미드필드와 공격에 변화를 줄수있어서 좋다
그는 카푸급의 에너지를 갖고있어 (AC Milan에서 뛰는 "두 심장을 가진 브라질리안")