잡다한 주제/알짜팁

비공식 윈도우 98 SE 서비스팩

KSI 2005. 8. 4. 17:47



가시면 다운 받을 수 있음. 아직 한국어 버전은 없는 것 같고 아마츄어가 만든 서비스팩임.


UNOFFICIAL Windows98 Second Edition Service Pack 2.0.2(Freeware)

Microsoft has never released a service pack for Windows98 SE. But I made a Service Pack for Windows98 SE users. It contains all Windows98 SE updates from Windows Update site and more.

It is a self-extracting and self-installing pack like Microsoft's update files. Thus, you cannot choice files individually. However, the pack installs only required fixes for your system. Uninstallation is possible from Add-Remove Programs. However, I don't recommend uninstallation of the pack, if you don't have any problem.

This is only forWINDOWS 98 SECOND EDITION ENGLISH.I highly recommend that you should backup your system before installing the pack. You must have at least32 MBof RAM.

It contains only operating system updates. It does NOT contain Internet Explorer 6, DirectX 9, Media Player 9 and their updates.