IT/프로그래밍 관련

설치 안 된 폰트 사용하기 - How to Use a Font Without Installing it

KSI 2011. 7. 21. 17:55


Many times, a particular font needs to be used in an application due to the in-house graphics designer's font choice. In order for the application to use the fonts, the font needs to be installed using the installer. Too many fonts on the user machine may slow the system down considerably.

You can actually get away without installing the font: GDI and GDI+ each provide two ways for you, as a programmer, to add a font for an application to use without installing it. I'll show you how in this article!

GDI's AddFontResourceEx

Let me first talk about GDI's two functions for adding fonts to an application for use. I'll then talk about GDI+'s own functions. You can use AddFontResourceEx to add a physical font file for an application to use.

int AddFontResourceEx(
  LPCTSTR lpszFilename, 	// font file name
  DWORD fl,             	// font characteristics
  PVOID pdv             	// reserved

Here is an example of how to use AddFontResourceEx:

CString szFontFile = "D:\\SkiCargo.ttf";

int nResults = AddFontResourceEx(
    m_szFontFile, 		// font file name
    FR_PRIVATE,    	// font characteristics

To use the font you've added, just specify its name in the CreateFont or CreateFontIndirect function like any other installed font. To know the name of the font, just right click on the TTF extension file in Windows Explorer and select "Open" and you will see its actual name. Or, you can use the TTF and TTC classes which I wrote, to know the font name.

Note: The font file name ("SkiCargo.ttf") in this article is actually its font name, "SkiCargo"; this is usually not the case! To be on the safe side, use the Windows Explorer right click method, or the TTF and TTC classes I just mentioned, to find out the name!

CClientDC dc(this);


memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf));
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(24, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);
lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
wcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, L"SkiCargo");

// create and select it
CFont newFont;
if (!newFont.CreateFontIndirect(&lf))
CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(&newFont);

// use a path to record how the text was drawn
wchar_t buf[] = _T("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!");
dc.TextOut( 10, 10, buf, wcslen(buf));

// Put back the old font

You must remember to call RemoveFontResourceEx before the application exits. You should note that the parameters must be the same as the ones that you fed into AddFontResourceEx!

BOOL RemoveFontResourceEx(
  LPCTSTR lpFileName,  	// name of font file
  DWORD fl,            	// font characteristics
  PVOID pdv            	// Reserved.

CString szFontFile = "D:\\SkiCargo.ttf";

BOOL b = RemoveFontResourceEx(
    m_szFontFile, 		// name of font file
    FR_PRIVATE,   		// font characteristics
    NULL         		// Reserved.

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